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Ukrainian Studies Network

The Ukrainian Studies Network (USN) is an initiative of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, Faculty of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw. Its goal is to bring together European researchers, particularly those affiliated with Central and Eastern European universities who are involved in Ukrainian studies. The areas of interests include but are not limited to cultural studies, literature, linguistics, social sciences, legal studies.
The USN is advised by the Honorary Board consisting of notable scholars representing a range of disciplines. The USN is most grateful to these distinguished individuals for their commitment to the USN mission.

"Ukrainische Kultur für jeden Tag"

We’re pleased to announce that the second volume of the textbook УКРАЇНСЬКА КУЛЬТУРА НА ЩОДЕНЬ. Ukrainische Kultur für jeden Tag by Katarzyna Jakubowska-Krawczyk, Olena Novikowa, Svitłana Romaniuk, and Marta Zambrzycka has just been published. Our goal was to make Ukrainian culture, tradition, and language accessible for the German speakers. We are very grateful for all the comments, reviews, and words of support wehave received! Both volumes are available under open access license:
Volume 1 УКРАЇНСЬКА КУЛЬТУРА НА ЩОДЕНЬ. Частина I (uni-muenchen.de)
Volume 2 https://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/92497/


The Department of Ukrainian Studies, University of Warsaw organises the 2nd roundtable


The meeting will be held online, on December 4, 2022. The link will be provided soon.